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Group A


Group A practitioners are all staff who work or volunteer in a public or voluntary sector organisation or agency in Wales.

This includes:

  • those in private sector settings
  • volunteers
  • elected members of local authorities.

Competence for this group is for all practitioners and volunteers to:

  • have an understanding about safeguarding
  • know what they, and others, need to do
  • know their responsibility to share concerns of actual or potential harm, abuse or neglect.

Group A training should be completed before training for the other groups, unless the full content of group A training is included in training delivered in other ways.

Memorable principles

  • I know what the term safeguarding means.
  • I know what to look out for.
  • I know who to report to.

According to the standards, people in group A should know:

  • how to work in ways that safeguard people from abuse, harm and neglect
  • the factors, situations and actions that could lead or contribute to abuse, harm or neglect
  • how to report, respond and record concerns or allegations related to safeguarding.

Learning outcomes

Learning outcomes can be done in one module or session.

At the end of a learning activity, they’ll:

  • be able to explain the term 'safeguarding'
  • recognise abuse, or the risk of abuse, harm or neglect
  • know they have a duty to report abuse, harm or neglect
  • know what they need to do if they witness or suspect abuse, harm or neglect or if someone tells the practitioner they’re being abused.

Training, learning and development

  • Group A training materials must be standardised.
  • Face-to-face training, learning and development opportunities can be made available so all practitioners get safeguarding training. (Some work areas have limited or no access to online training.)

E-learning doesn’t give many opportunities for multi-agency work or discussion.

But, because group A training should be raising general awareness, the e-learning module is suitable for this group.

The e-learning module is available on our website:

Group A safeguarding e-learning module – Social Care Wales

The e-learning module is for all staff working in:

  • social care
  • health care
  • local authority departments
  • education
  • early years and childcare
  • the third and voluntary sector, including volunteers
  • independent contractions (commissioned services)
  • the third and voluntary sector, including volunteers
  • criminal justice organisations, such as the police and probation services.

Things to consider

The e-learning is designed to reflect the knowledge and competence group A practitioners should have. It includes:

  • case scenarios where there may be safeguarding concerns, and how to respond
  • basic questions or assessments integrated throughout the module to test how much the learner’s understanding
  • videos, showing stories and examples of safeguarding
  • an opportunity for the learner to give feedback about the module.

How much training, learning and development?

  • New group A practitioners need to complete the e-learning module before starting their role, or as part of their induction.
  • The e-learning module is always available, and they can use it flexibly so they’re confident in their role and with their responsibilities.
  • If they stay in group A, they’ll need to repeat their learning at least once every three years. This refresher training:
    • must be a minimum of one to three hours every three years
    • must be done again when there are changes to safeguarding legislation and practice
    • can be done more often if required by their manager or agency.
  • E-learning (or its equivalent) will be a maximum of two hours.