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Social workers
  • Celebrating social work conferences

    Together with BASW Cymru, we’re hosting two free conferences in Cardiff and Llandudno this autumn.

    • Social workers
  • Codes of Professional Practice and guidance

    Information about the codes including what people using care and support should expect from social care workers.

    • Social workers
  • Registration guidance videos

    Find out more about registration from the videos and links below.

    • Social workers
  • Safeguarding

    Safeguarding is about protecting children and adults from abuse or neglect and educating those around them to recognise the signs and dangers.

    • Social workers
  • Personal outcomes

    Supporting the shift to outcomes focused practice is one of the priority areas identified for service improvement. The approach puts people at the centre of their care and support planning. Find out more about our resources to support this approach.

    • Social workers
  • Regulation of social work education and training

    Information about how we regulate and set standards for social work education and training in Wales.

    • Social workers
  • Recognising and responding to domestic violence and abuse

    A quick guide for social workers to help recognise and respond to domestic violence and abuse.

    • Social workers
  • Family justice

    Family justice is the system through which disputes relating to children and families may be resolved. It includes the work of the Family Court.

    • Social workers
  • National Occupational Standards (NOS)

    NOS are UK standards of performance that people are expected to achieve in their work, search the NOS standards needed for a job role.

    • Social workers
  • Infection prevention and control

    In partnership with Health Education Improvement Wales and Welsh Government, we have developed an All Wales Infection Prevention and Control Training, Learning and Development Framework for health, social care, early years and childcare.​

    • Social workers
  • The Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS)

    What you need to understand about the Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) and how they apply to you.

    • Social workers
  • Social Work Week 2023

    Celebrating the hard work and dedication of social workers

    • Social workers