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Why safeguarding matters

Safeguarding people is everybody’s business.

When abuse or neglect is found, it should be dealt with swiftly, effectively and in ways that are proportionate to the concerns raised.

The Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 explains clearly that the child, young person or adult must be at the centre of any safeguarding response.

They should be, and stay, in as much control of decision-making as possible.

The basic right of a child, young person or adult to be heard throughout the safeguarding process is a critical element.

This can only be offered by staff who recognise their safeguarding roles and responsibilities can give the personalised support needed to make sure that the child, young person or adult’s voice is heard.

The Regional Safeguarding Boards are committed to:

  • developing high quality, multi-agency training programmes
  • supporting professionals and volunteers in statutory, private and third sector organisations to safeguard and promote people’s well-being (including prevention and protection from abuse, neglect and other harm).