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Animated digital resource, templates for checklists, work placement agreements and reflective logs to support work placements.

The preparing for placement checklist can be used as a memory aid by employers to make sure all aspects of offering a work placement have been considered.

WeCare Wales has video clips and case studies about the range of roles available in social care and early years and childcare.

The Gwent regional partnership have created an animated video which takes learners through the main points to think about when taking part in a placement.

The general work placement information sheet can be used by employers to advertise work placement opportunities.

The specific work placement information sheet can be used to provide learners with detailed information about their placement.

The learning provider / employer placement agreement sets out information about the placement and expectations of the learning provider and employer.

The employer / learner placement agreement sets out information about the placement and expectations of the employer and learner.

The day 1 checklist can be used as a memory aid for what should be considered for day 1 of all placements.

The reflective log can be used by learners to record their experiences and progress throughout their placement.

The end of placement evaluation can be used to help employers and learners reflect on the placement and what has been learnt.

First published: 24 August 2020
Last updated: 25 September 2022
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