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How we can support you

Most social care workers in Wales must register with us because it’s a legal requirement.

Regulation protects the public as it makes sure only those who are competent and qualified can deliver care and support in roles where registration is required.

Being on the Register means you’re part of a professional workforce and can show you have the skills and knowledge to provide good care and support to the people of Wales.

We have lots of information and resources to support those who work in social care in Wales.

Supporting you with your registration

Supporting you to develop your career and provide professional and safe care and support

Supporting your health and well-being

  • You can download a care worker card on SCWonline. The card recognises people working in the sector and provides access to various benefits.
  • Our well-being pages have lots of information to support you with your physical, mental and financial well-being. There's also information about accessing a support line called Canopi.

How you can support others working in social care

  • Have your say by taking part in consultations, surveys and events.
  • Become an ambassador for social care through the WeCare Ambassador scheme.