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People with dementia

These pages include advice and resources for people supporting people living with dementia.

Dementia isn’t a natural part of getting older and can only be diagnosed by a health professional.

To find out more about getting a diagnosis of dementia, visit the Alzheimer’s Society.

An introduction to people with dementia

We know that things need to be done to improve social care for people living with dementia, including making sure people can find the care and support they need in rural communities, and using Welsh where it is people’s first language.

One in a Million: Dementia Training Resource

A two and a half hour classroom-based training package to help those who work with people with dementia.

The session will give your staff a better understanding of dementia and its different forms and helps you achieve the aims of the Good Work Dementia learning and development framework.

Staff will also learn practical tips about improving the day-to-day experiences of people with dementia. The package includes guidance notes and video to support the facilitator.

Order your copy from

To find out more about the training, please watch the video below:

Dementia reablement training resources

This resource pack is for those working with people living with dementia in their own homes.

This could be domiciliary care workers, health care assistants or allied health professionals, such as occupational therapists. You can use the resources for your own learning, or to train others.

We’ve designed the resources so that they can be completed in one go or in sections.

These resources will help you meet the skilled level of the Good Work Learning and Development Framework.

The video above explains more about the resources. To request a free copy, e-mail

If you want to use these resources for your personal use, please write “learners resources” in the subject line of the email.

If you plan to use the resources to support others learning, please write “facilitators resources” in the subject line of the email.

Dementia resource for care professionals

Dementia resource for care professionals

A resource to support good practice in dementia care by giving access to essential information, case studies, data, and research.

Dementia care and support learning and development implementation toolkit

A simple, practical guide for organisations and partnerships to put the Good Work framework into practice.

Other useful resources for dementia care

We have also produced a learning and development framework for dementia care, developed in partnership with NHS Wales and Public Health Wales:

We're building on this work to improve social care for people living with dementia. We're also working with the Welsh Government and partner organisations to ensure our work aligns with national activity across Wales:

Good Work framework: working with people living with dementia who have hearing loss, or use British Sign Language

Guidance and learning outcomes for working with people living with dementia and who have hearing loss, or use British Sign Language.

First published: 8 April 2019
Last updated: 19 May 2023
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