This page explains why we wrote the framework.
The safeguarding training, learning and development framework helps practitioners apply:
- the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014
- Children Act 1989 legislation
- the Wales Safeguarding Procedures
- the statutory safeguarding guidance.
We wrote the framework to:
- promote a shared understanding of safeguarding principles, roles and responsibilities
- promote a culture of learning and development that highlights the practitioner’s knowledge and skills
- disseminate learning from:
- Single Unified Safeguarding Reviews (these will replace adult practice reviews, child practice reviews, domestic homicide reviews, mental health homicide reviews and offensive weapons homicide reviews)
- case management reviews, when needed.
- help make organisations more efficient
- maximise commitments to collaborative working through multi-agency training, learning and development
- maximise opportunities to commission specialist and bespoke training, learning and development
- support regions and organisations to identify resources needed to deliver or commission new training, learning and development.
Organisations need to use the framework to:
- make sure there’s a consistent national approach to training, learning and development
- support regions and organisations to identify resources required to deliver or commission new training, learning and development
- make sure people get the right training, learning and development at the right time (including induction and refresher opportunities)
- support the development of competencies in safeguarding
- find new ways of training, learning and development which meet the needs of an increasingly agile workforce
- develop new and innovative ways of delivering training, learning teaching and development to meet the needs of an increasingly agile workforce
- develop a consistent way of checking how effective safeguarding training, learning and development is, and how well it’s done.