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Find out how to renew your registration and what continuing professional development CPD (previously known as PRTL) requirements you must complete. There is also information for those who are unable to meet the requirements for renewal.

Why you need to renew

Registration is for up to three years. After that you will need to renew or your registration will lapse which means your name will be removed from the Register and you can’t legally practise in Wales.

By being registered you show that you’re suitable to work in social care by:

  • being appropriately qualified
  • being physically and mentally fit to practise
  • having the right character and competence
  • agreeing to follow the Code of Practice for Social Care Workers
  • confirming you intend to practise social work in Wales during your registration period
  • confirming you will practise in Wales in the type of work you applied to register for
  • you must provide evidence of CPD.

How to renew

You need to renew your registration every three years from the date of your original registration. Your application for renewal will be available for you to complete on your SCWonline account 86 days before your renewal date.

If your application is incomplete you must supply any missing information before renewal is granted.

You must complete your application at least 21 days before your renewal date. If your renewal hasn't been completed 21 days before your renewal date we’ll send you (and your last known employer) a 'notice of intention to remove' reminder.

We can’t guarantee to process renewal applications in less than 21 days. Unless you have renewed, your registration will lapse one day after your renewal date.

To renew your registration you will need to:

  • login into your SCWonline account
  • go to ‘Renew My Registration‘ click on 'Renew'
  • your account will show the most up to date information we hold for you. You will be able to make changes to this information
  • complete the form and pay your renewal fee
  • submit your CPD evidence to support your application.

Continuing professional development (CPD)

All registered persons (except social work students) must keep a record of their CPD. You will need to show evidence of your CPD as part of your application for renewal.

  • Social workers and social care managers must complete 90 hours of professional development in each three-year period of registration.
  • Social care workers must complete 45 hours of professional development in each three year period of registration.

Your training and learning must be discussed and agreed with your manager before you submit it to us. We recommend that you regularly update your CPD records as you complete them, you can do this by logging into your SCWonline account.

You will need to record:

  • the date
  • name of training or learning
  • how long the training and learning was for
  • a brief description of how the training contributed to your professional development.

Read our guidance on continuing professional development (CPD).

Endorsing your renewal application

Social workers

The majority of social workers will not need to endorse their renewal. We select a sample of social workers to have their CPD verified.

If you have been selected:

  • you will be notified
  • you’ll need to take a copy of your CPD to your line manager to verify it
  • your manager will verify by printing their name, signing and dating the copy
  • scan and upload the copy through your SCWonline account.

Social care workers and managers

All social care workers must have their renewal endorsed and their CPD verified.

When completing your application you will be asked to choose from a list of approved people (signatories) for your organisation person to endorse your renewal.

The signatory will log in to their SCWonline account, view the information and complete the required questions. This will verify they’ve seen your CPD and endorse your renewal.

Please note that your endorser must be a professional individual who isn’t a relative and doesn't have a personal relationship with you.

If you're self-employed

If you’re self-employed or have a family business you can submit your CPD without verification along with a summary portfolio.

This must show how you’ve met the CPD requirements. It should have evidence such as copies of attendance certificates and a brief summary of outcomes of your learning.

Please note that we will not be able to return portfolios.

Read our guidance pages on verifying and endorsing.

Unable to meet renewal requirements

We may refuse your application for renewal If you haven’t completed the required hours of CPD.

  • Social workers and social care managers must complete 90 hours of professional development in each three-year period of registration.
  • Social care workers must complete 45 hours of professional development in each three year period of registration.

If removed from the Register you won’t be able to work in a role that needs registration.

In exceptional circumstances you can submit a written statement explaining why you have not met the CPD requirements to the Registrar. For more information or to submit your written statement contact

What happens if you don't renew

If you don't renew your registration your name will be removed from the Register, which means you won’t be legally registered to practise in Wales.

Should you wish to return to the Register following removal you will need to:

  • complete a new application on your SCWonline account
  • supply your CPD records
  • pay any outstanding fees you may have.

Refusing registration at renewal

If there’s evidence that questions a registered person's suitability to work in social care they may be investigated by us.

We can refuse registration and we can impose sanctions on their registration such as:

  • restrictions on working
  • training requirements
  • work experience.

Contact us

If you have a question or if you can't find what you are looking for get in touch with us.

First published: 16 January 2017
Last updated: 13 September 2024
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