Supplier Information & Guidance
Our Approach to Procuring Goods and Services
We procure a diverse range of goods, services and works, with spending ranging from large to smaller projects. Below is information on how we allocate our funds and how potential suppliers can submit bids for opportunities.
Our goal is to achieve value for money, which means balancing quality, cost and social value over the life of a purchase.
We strive to collaborate with suppliers in:
- An open and transparent environment
- Clear communication of expectations and objectives
- Establishing clear standards for all parties involved.
Our Procurement Process
The type, value and complexity of a contract determines the appropriate tender process. We ensure all necessary information is provided for the procurement process and allow suppliers sufficient time to prepare their bids.
For high value or complex contracts, we encourage suppliers to work in partnership through collaborative and joint bids. This collaborative approach can enhance their chances of securing work.
Whenever possible, we prioritise working with local and Welsh suppliers. This approach aims to support local business, foster skills development, and deliver additional benefits to the community.
Spend Thresholds
Contract decisions typically follow these competition guidelines:
Estimated Contract Value (inclusive of VAT) | Our Approach |
Up to £3,000 | Obtain 1 quote |
£ 3,001 – £5,000 | Obtain 2 quotes |
£ 5,001 – £29,000 | Obtain 3 quotes |
£ 30,000 – £139,688 | Formal tender via Sell2Wales / Framework |
£139,688 and above | Formal tender via the Central Digital Platform on Sell2Wales |
Work With Us
Social Care Wales welcomes bids from all suppliers, including SMEs and local businesses.
As a Government Sponsored Body within the Welsh Public Sector, we operate under the guidance of The Procurement (Wales) Regulations 2024 and adhere to The Wales Procurement Policy Statement (WPPS). Additionally, we comply with the UK-wide Procurement Act 2023, which takes effect on 24 February 2025.
In accordance with these regulations, all contract opportunities valued at £30,000 or more (inclusive of VAT) are always publicly advertised on the Sell2Wales platform.
Contracts Register
Please follow this link to view our contracts register: