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Safeguarding standards group B

Important points to note

  1. These standards refer to some role examples, but do not identify all roles and responsibilities across the sector. It is incumbent, therefore, on organisations to identify within their own workforce which roles fit into the specific groups.

    When determining appropriate training for each individual member of staff, the organisation will need to satisfy itself which group each staff member will fit into.

    If organisations or managers are unsure of which group is the appropriate one, and the role may straddle more than one group, the expectation is that the practitioner will be trained up to the higher group. For example, if a worker straddles group B and C, then they should be trained at group C level.
  2. Throughout the standards, for any practitioner commencing in a new role from group B onwards, it is expected that they will have completed training in the previous groups prior to commencement in role. If not, they should be supported to complete the training within the first 6 months of their induction period.

Roles and responsibilities

Group B practitioners are those who spend time with people in a group setting or on a one-to-one basis. They will have a particular responsibility in relation to the people they work with and will need a higher level of knowledge than those in group A because of their direct involvement with people. The people they work with may or may not have safeguarding concerns.

If there are safeguarding concerns, there will be a clear line of reporting in the organisation and the practitioner will be aware of their responsibility to report concerns, both internally and to social services directly.

These practitioners won’t have a statutory role in relation to the safeguarding process and wouldn’t sit on core groups or be part of protection planning. They wouldn’t be expected to give safeguarding advice to others.

When looking at the standards across the groups, it may look as if they are repeated, however, practitioners in different groups will need to have more detailed knowledge and understanding because of the responsibilities they have.

Therefore, the training provided for each group will explore the same topics in more depth. The training, learning and development framework will help to illustrate this.

The practitioners in group B will have more responsibility for safeguarding therefore the standards for group B practitioners are set so that the training helps them develop a greater understanding of safeguarding matters. For example, group B practitioners will need to show that they understand the law and put it into practice throughout their day-to-day work.

Memorable principles
  • I am a key part of the safeguarding process
  • I know when, how and who to report to
  • I will make sure the individual’s voice is heard.

Training, learning and development standards (group B)

Everyone in this group will also need to know everything in group A.

a) Legislation, national policies, and codes of conduct and professional practice in relation to safeguarding.

  1. The categories of abuse and neglect as defined in Section 197 of the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014.
  2. Common signs and symptoms associated with abuse, harm and neglect.
  3. Other situational risk areas that may lead to abuse, harm and neglect.
  4. Overview of the legal framework and what these mean in practice, to include local and national policy and principles, Children Act, Mental Capacity Act, Domestic Abuse legislation and the United Nations principles (older people) and conventions (children) and European Convention on Human Rights.
  5. How the legal framework supports people’s rights to be protected from abuse, harm and neglect.
  6. The roles of different agencies and others involved in safeguarding people’s welfare, in the context of your setting.
  7. Legislation[1], statutory guidance, national policies and codes of conduct and professional practice that relate to the safeguarding of people – both adults and children and young people – and what these mean in practice.
  8. How legislative frameworks support people’s rights to be protected from abuse, harm and neglect.
  9. Being open and honest with people if things go wrong[2] or had the potential to go wrong.

b) How to work in ways that safeguard people from abuse, harm and neglect.

  1. The roles of different agencies and others involved in safeguarding people’s welfare, in the context of your setting.
  2. The role and responsibilities of practitioners in safeguarding.
  3. The role of advocacy in relation to safeguarding – externally and in relation to your role.
  4. How to establish relationships that support trust and rapport with people, families and carers.
  5. How to work in a person/child-centred way to follow the safeguarding principles while upholding the rights of people.
  6. How to enable people to make decisions about what matters to them and stay in control of their lives.
  7. How to promote people’s voice at all times, listening to their lived experience
  8. How to support people to balance their rights and responsibilities, while making sure you uphold your duty of care.
  9. How to promote an environment where people can express fears, anxieties, feelings and concerns without worry of ridicule, rejection, retribution or not being believed.
  10. How to make people aware of how to keep themselves safe from abuse, harm and neglect.
  11. How to make people aware of the risks associated with using social media, the internet and mobile phones.
  12. How to work in ways that keep practitioners and people safe from abuse, harm or neglect.
  13. How to access support and training to think about and improve safeguarding knowledge, skills and practice.
  14. Know where to go for advice and support, if needed.

c) The factors, situations and actions that could lead or contribute to abuse, harm or neglect.

  1. Why some people could be more at risk from abuse, harm or neglect.
  2. How someone’s situation can increase the risk of abuse, harm or neglect, for example, adverse childhood experiences.
  3. Why people, family, friends, practitioners and volunteers may not disclose abuse.
  4. Actions, behaviours or situations that increase the risk of abuse, harm or neglect.
  5. Features of perpetrator behaviour and grooming, including bullying, coercive control and controlling behaviour.
  6. Learning from reviews and reports into serious failures to protect people from abuse, harm or neglect.

d) How to report, respond and record concerns or allegations related to safeguarding.

  1. The importance of reporting any concerns about possible abuse, harm or neglect and everyone’s duty to do this.
  2. How and when to report any concerns about alleged abuse, harm or neglect.
  3. How to respond if abuse, harm or neglect is suspected or alleged.
  4. Actions to be taken where there are ongoing concerns about abuse, harm or neglect or where concerns haven’t been addressed after reporting.
  5. What should be reported and recorded, when this should happen and how this information is stored.
  6. How to record written information that’s accurate, clear and relevant with an appropriate level of detail.
  7. The difference between fact, opinion and judgement, and why understanding this is important when recording and reporting information.
  8. Confidential boundaries in relation to safeguarding and information that must be shared.
  9. Potential barriers to reporting or raising concerns and how to address them.
  10. Know what the term ‘whistleblowing’ means and how to follow your organisation’s whistleblowing policy.

[1] Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014, Mental Capacity Act 2005 and Children’s Act 1989.
[2] Duty of candour: Understand the need to be accountable for your own work. This includes being open and honest with people if things go wrong, including providing a full and prompt explanation to the employer or the appropriate authority of what has happened.

First published: 28 October 2022
Last updated: 13 September 2024
Series last updated: 28 October 2024
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