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Frequently asked questions

These questions and answers provide additional information on the use of the Induction Framework.

How many service specific sections should I complete?

You should select the service specific sections which reflect your role, this could be 1 or more.

If I do not hold one of the required qualifications to register as a social care manager, what are the essential criteria for my qualification to be used for registration along with the Induction Framework?

The essential criteria set for alternative qualifications are:

  • a minimum of 80 credits in size at level 4 NVQ / level 5 QCF/RQF
  • practice was observed in the workplace to achieve the qualification
  • it was based on relevant National Occupational Standards
  • the manager (applicant for registration) was employed in a relevant role within health or social care whilst undertaking the qualification.

If I register with an alternative qualification, how long do I have to complete the Induction Framework?

If you wish to use this route to register, you will need to submit an application to the registration team. If the application is successful, you will need to complete the Induction Framework within 3 years of your first date of registration.

If you are moving to a different part of the Register and have more than 12 months of your current registration period remaining, you will need to complete the Induction Framework prior to renewal of registration. If you have less than 12 months of your current registration period remaining, you will be given additional time to complete.

We will set a ‘training requirement’ if you are using this route which will specify how long you have to complete the Induction Framework.

What if I don’t complete the induction framework before I need to renew my registration?

You will only need to complete before renewal of registration if we have set this as a training requirement. If you have not been able to complete within this period of time we will investigate and hold a case conference. If there are extenuating circumstances you may be given more time to complete, if there are no extenuating circumstances your registration will lapse, and you will be removed from the Register.

How have the timescales for completion of the Induction Framework been set?

We think all new managers should be able to complete the Induction Framework within 12 months. However, some employers may set a shorter period of time for completion to align with probationary periods and contracts of employment.

What are required qualifications?

Required qualifications are set for each of the groups of workers who need to register as a professional with us. You can find the current and older qualifications accepted for practice for a wide range of roles on our Qualification Framework.

I am completing my level 5 qualification at the same time as this Induction Framework, how do they link up?

Completion of the Induction Framework will help you become familiar with the content of the qualification and prepare you for the formal assessment you will need to undertake to achieve the qualification. This should support your learning rather than duplicate it.

You may be able to use your progress logs in your portfolio of evidence for your qualification, your assessor will give you advice on this.

How do I complete the progress log?

The progress logs cover all the sections in the framework, this should be used to note evidence drawn on to confirm achievement of the induction standard e.g. qualification completion, supervision, records, observation of practice or witness testimonies. You should complete the column ‘how I have met this standard’ with a brief summary of the activities you have undertaken. The person signing the standard off will then need to add their comments and you should both date and sign.

Your manager/appointed person should complete the summary notes with a list of the evidence used. We have some example progress logs you can look at to see how these may be completed.

Can the Induction Framework be taken as a ‘passport’ if I move jobs?

Managers who are new to an organisation but have evidence they have previously completed the Induction Framework, can use their evidence as a ‘passport’.

However, to make sure you can meet the standards in your new role, your employer will want to make sure you are applying learning to your practice. You will need to map the standards to your new role and identify any gaps which need to be met.

Your employer will also want to take you through the organisation’s policies and procedures for your workplace and role.

I’m moving from one service area to another (e.g. adults to children and young people / children and young people to adults), what is the best way to complete an induction?

Your new employer will support you though the process, but it might be an idea to start with the service specific section/s that you have moved into before completing the generic sections. This will make sure that you are familiar with the type of service, and have the knowledge and confidence to carry out you role.

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First published: 1 December 2020
Last updated: 13 September 2024
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