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Services that embed and deliver strengths-based approaches

Social care services that embed and deliver strengths-based approaches to care and support.

An overview of our progress against this outcome from our strategic plan during 2022 to 2023.

Putting the person and their needs at the centre of their care, and giving them a voice in, and control over the outcomes that help them achieve well-being is a key principle of the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014.

People are the experts in their own lives, and by working with professionals, they’re best placed to tell us what will help their well-being.

We’ve been producing practical tools and resources to help professionals use a strengths-based approachin their practice.

In 2022 to 2023, we provided training to more than 260 Responsible Individuals in Wales about:

  • the legislative context in Wales
  • outcome-focused and strengths-based practice
  • how to put ‘what matters’ conversations at the heart of care and support provision.

We ran a network of mentors to champion the strengths-based approach in their organisation. Members include staff from 19 local authorities and the unpaid carers’ organisation Credu Cymru.

Management and leadership programmes

We have oversight of a number of management and leadership programmes. To date:

  • 751 people have attended the Team Manager Development Programme
  • 90 people have attended the Middle Manager Development Programme.

Ninety-nine per cent of those who attended felt it was relevant to them and their organisation, and that it met their needs.

We also worked with the sector to develop two new programmes – one for aspiring middle managers and one about collective and compassionate leadership.