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A highly recognised and valued workforce

A social care and early years workforce that is highly recognised and valued.

An overview of our progress against this outcome from our strategic plan during 2022 to 2023.

Our social care and early years workforce deserve fair reward that reflects the crucial part they play in the well-being of people and communities.

As members of the Fair Work Forum, we will continue to influence and commit to embedding Fair Work and improving terms and conditions for those working in the social care sector.

Recognising and celebrating the workforce

We held the Accolades awards, which recognise, celebrate and share excellent social care and childcare, play and early years in Wales, in person on 21 April 2022 for the first time since 2018.

In 2022:

  • we received 76 entries and nominations, across 7 categories
  • 135 guests attended the ceremony at the Royal College of Music and Drama in Cardiff, which was also livestreamed over the internet.
  • guests gave the ceremony an average rating of 92 per cent.

‘Have your say’ – the first workforce survey of the registered social care workforce

By the end of March 2023, 900 people had responded to our first workforce survey. The survey of registered social care workers asked questions about pay and conditions, health and well-being, and what people like about working in care.

The results will be analysed and we’ll work with partners to see how we and our partners can best provide support in response to the survey responses.

Public recognition of the workforce

The workforce is valued by the Welsh public, with more than two thirds thinking they do a good job and almost three quarters having confidence in them.

These results were part of an Omnibus survey run in 2022 to 2023 with 1,000 members of the public in Wales.

Almost 80 per cent of the Welsh public said they believe care workers should have similar levels of pay and benefits to those working in the NHS.

Care worker card

The new version of the care worker card issued during the year will have a positive impact on social care and early years workers as they can benefit from a cashback card, as well as a range of retail offers. This will be achieved through a dedicated discounts provider, Discounts for Carers.

At the end of March 2023:

  • 36,247 social care workers were card holders
  • 1,756 early years and childcare workers had downloaded the care worker card.