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Safeguarding procedures - training materials (Adults)

Section 1- Safeguarding principles and effective practice

This section contains details of the safeguarding practice principles underpinning legislation, guidance and the procedures; it emphasises that safeguarding and protecting is everybody’s responsibility and to follow a person-centred approach at all times.

Section 1- App navigation

This video will help you to navigate the Adult’s Section 1 of the Wales Safeguarding Procedures.

Section 1- Recorded webinar

This webinar is designed to help you understand the Adults Section 1 of the Wales Safeguarding Procedures.

Section 2 - The duty to report an adult at risk of abuse and/or neglect

This section covers the procedures explaining what practitioners must do if they have concerns about an adult at risk of abuse and/or neglect. This includes and explanation of the statutory duty to report, practitioner’s responsibility to report and the duty to report concerns and where to report these concerns.

Section 2 - App navigation

This video will help you to navigate the Adult’s Section 2 of the Wales Safeguarding Procedures.

Section 2 - Recorded webinar

This webinar is designed to help you understand the Adults Section 2 of the Wales Safeguarding Procedures.

Section 3 - Responding to a report of an adult at risk of abuse and/or neglect

This section covers procedures relating to the roles and responsibilities of practitioners, if the adult at risk requires longer-term actions to protect them from abuse or neglect and/or an investigation process into the case has concluded.

Section 3 - App navigation

This video will help you to navigate the Adult’s Section 3 of the Wales Safeguarding Procedures.

Section 3 - Recorded webinar

This webinar is designed to help you understand the Adults Section 3 of the Wales Safeguarding Procedures.

Section 4 - Planning and intervention for adults at risk of abuse and neglect

This section details the roles and responsibilities of practitioners regarding planning and delivering interventions to meet the care and support, protection needs of an adult at risk. It also details the roles and responsibilities that practitioners working with the adult at risk in relation to the care and support protection plan.

Section 4 - app navigation

This video will help you to navigate the Adult’s Section 4 of the Wales Safeguarding Procedures.

Section 4 - recorded webinar

This webinar is designed to help you understand the Adults Section 4 of the Wales Safeguarding Procedures.

Section 5 - Safeguarding allegations/Concerns about practitioners and those in positions of trust

These procedures set out arrangements for responding to safeguarding concerns about those whose work, either in a paid or voluntary capacity, which brings them into contact with children or adults at risk. It also includes individuals who have caring responsibilities for children or adults in need of care and support and their employment or voluntary work brings them into contact with children or adults at risk.

Section 5 – recorded webinar

This webinar is designed to help you understand the Adults Section 5 of the Wales Safeguarding Procedures.

Section 5 – App navigation

This video will help you to navigate Section 5 of the Wales Safeguarding Procedures.

First published: 1 October 2020
Last updated: 1 October 2024
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