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Statutory guidance

Statutory Guidance in relation to Part 7 of the Act has been issued:

Single Unified Safeguarding Review (SUSR) Statutory Guidance and transitional arrangements have replaced Working Together to Safeguard People Volume 2 (Child Practice Reviews) and Volume 3 (Adult Practice Reviews).

Welsh Government has produced a series of templates that can be used to support Single Unified Safeguarding Reviews (SUSRs). You can download them from Welsh Government's website.

In relation to Part 8 of the Act, the Association of Directors of Social Services (ADSS) has produced:

Welsh Government has produced a series of templates that can be used to support child and adult practice reviews. You can download them from the links below:

Statutory Guidance has been issued in relation to Part 9 of the Act. You can find links to the guidance here:

Statutory Guidance has been issued under Section 169 of the Act. This should be read alongside the Part 9 statutory guidance on partnership arrangements, and also relates to Part 2 Code of Practice (General Functions), specifically Chapters 2 A and B.