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​National assessment and eligibility tool

The Code of Practice for Part 3 sets out a requirement for a National Assessment and Eligibility Tool to ensure a consistent approach to assessments and recording information.

Common recording requirements for assessments

The Welsh Government has worked with a work stream under the Association of Directors of Social Services (ADSS) Cymru to produce the first element of the tool. This includes the common recording requirements for the assessment of adults, children and carers. Download the common recording requirements.

Local authorities can use this to check their assessment process and templates meet the minimum requirements set out in the legislative framework. Local authorities may also collect further data if relevant to the individual case.

It will be up to local authorities to determine how best to collect the data specified in this document. Practitioners should use person-centred language and hold a conversation in the most appropriate way for the person being assessed, in line with the Code of Practice on Assessing the Needs of Individuals.

In the longer term, the Welsh Government will support ADSS Cymru to develop a single assessment tool, in line with the Welsh Community Care Information System (WCCIS).

Common recording requirements for care and support plans and support plans under Part 4 of the Act


How to access care and support

The flowcharts below clarify the links between the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 and the Children Act 1989 in the care planning process for children:

Recording Measurement of Personal Outcomes Guidance

The Recording Measurement of Personal Outcomes Guidance was issued in November 2016 and provides a framework for recording and measuring progress against personal outcomes during the care and support process for individuals.

You can download the guidance here.

The Minister for Social Services and Public Health issued a statement launching the guidance on 18 November 2016. You can read this here.