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Better conversations

‘Better Conversations’ in Information, Advice and Assistance Services

The Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act wants to see the delivery of Information, Advice and Assistance at the heart of the preventative agenda in Welsh social care.

Social Care Wales has been working with councils to support the development of outcomes focussed social work practice. The aim is to offer a consistent experience and approach to those asking for support from services across social care.

The resources are not a training programme, but a comprehensive set of slides and notes which you will need to adapt for your particular setting. There are two packs; the first for use with team managers and front line Information, Advice and Assistance teams and the second for organisations, senior managers and elected members to better understand the part they have to play in supporting this new approach.

The resources will be part of the Information, Advice and Assistance Competency Framework currently in development.

If you’d like to join us on one of the dates below, we’ll talk through how you might make best use of the resources.