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Social services practitioner

Registration is not required

Other requirements

If a social services practitioner is carrying out assessments, the local authority must make sure that they are suitably skilled, trained and qualified in carrying out assessments.

Appropriate levels of qualification for carrying out these activities include:

  • either a registered social work or social care practitioner holding a professional qualification at level 5 or above
  • or a person holding a social care qualification at level 4 or above, which includes knowledge and skills of carrying out a person-centred assessment under the supervision of a registered social work or social care practitioner.

The local authority will also need to be satisfied that all staff carrying out these activities have the skills, knowledge and competence to work with children and young people, adults, and carers, as appropriate.

There are no recognised predecessor qualifications for this role. If a social services practitioner holds a qualification other than the:

Open University HE Certificate in Social Care Practice (Wales) or the City & Guilds Social Services Practitioner qualification.

it is the responsibility of the employer to make a judgement as to whether any alternative qualifications held meet the requirements for carrying out assessments set by the Social Services and Well Being (Wales) Act and associated Codes of Practice.

Induction requirements

The All Wales Induction Framework for Health and Social Care (AWIF) is designed for social care workers and healthcare support workers. It covers care and support for adults, and children and young people. It provides a structure for a common induction in health and social care across Wales and outlines the knowledge and skills new workers need to gain in the first six months of employment.

All employers have a responsibility to make sure their new workers receive a suitable induction using this induction framework. Workers may be new to the role, organisation or sector.