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Independent reviewing officer

Registration required

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Induction requirements

It is the responsibility of employers and the service provider to make sure that everyone working at the service receives an induction that’s appropriate to their role. This induction is expected to be robust and accessible to prepare them for new and changing roles and responsibilities.

Social workers who qualified after 1 April 2016 are required to complete the Consolidation Programme for Newly Qualified Social Workers as part of their first three years in social work practice.

It is also expected that all new social workers will receive The Social Worker – practice guidance for social workers registered with Social Care Wales as part of their induction, along with the Code of Professional Practice for Social Care.

Continuing professional development CPD (previously known as PRTL)

All registered persons are required to complete a total of 90 hours’ or 15 days’ CPD for each three-year period of registration.

More information on CPD.