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Domiciliary care deputy manager (services for children and young people)

Registration with Social Care Wales is required

Domiciliary care deputy manager (services for children and young people) can register as a manager if they meet the requirements for a domiciliary care manager.

Register here

To register as a manager:

  • Options 1

    • City and Guilds Level 4 Preparing for Leadership and Management in Health and Social Care


    • City and Guilds Level 5 Leadership and Management of Health and Social Care: Practice

  • Option 2

    • City and Guilds Level 2 Health and Social Care: Core


    • City and Guilds Level 3 Health and Social Care: Practice (Children and Young People)


    • City and Guilds Level 4 Preparing for Leadership and Management in Health and Social Care


    Enrolment on the City and Guilds Level 5 Leadership and Management of Health and Social Care: Practice.

    Those enrolled on the City and Guilds Level 5 Leadership and Management of Health and Social Care: Practice qualification will need to complete this within their first three year period of registration.

  • Option 3

    • City and Guilds Level 4 Professional Practice in Health and Social Care


    • City and Guilds Level 4 Preparing for Leadership and Management in Health and Social Care


    Enrolment on the City and Guilds Level 5 Leadership and Management of Health and Social Care: Practice.

  • Option 4

    • City and Guilds Level 2 Health and Social Care: Core


    • City and Guilds Level 3 Health and Social Care: Practice (Children and Young People)


    Enrolment on the City and Guilds Level 4 Preparing for Leadership and Management in Health and Social Care.

    Those enrolled on the City and Guilds Level 4 Preparing for Leadership and Management in Health and Social Care will need to complete this plus the Level 5 Leadership and Management of Health and Social Care: Practice qualification within their first 3 year period of registration.

  • Option 5

    • City and Guilds Level 4 Professional Practice in Health and Social Care


    Enrolment on the City and Guilds Level 4 Preparing for Leadership and Management in Health and Social Care.

    Those enrolled on the City and Guilds Level 4 Preparing for Leadership and Management in Health and Social Care will need to complete this plus the Level 5 Leadership and Management of Health and Social Care: Practice qualification within their first 3 year period of registration.

  • Option 6

    • Degree in Social Work


    • Occupational Therapy Degree


    Degree in Nursing


    • Postgraduate Certificate in Managing Practice Quality in Social Care (also known as Team Manager Development Programme (TMDP))

  • Option 7

    • Occupational Therapy Degree


    • Degree in Social Work


    A generic management qualification on condition that:

    it is set at a minimum of level 3

    it has a minimum of 37 credits

    it was assessed in the workplace for occupational competence and the registered person was in a relevant role in a health or social care setting when the qualification was undertaken.

    Managers who hold one of the listed degrees but not one of the listed management qualifications, can apply to register but will need to complete the relevant management qualification within their first 3 year period of registration.

To register as a worker

  • Option 1

    • City and Guilds Level 2 Health and Social Care: Core


    • City and Guilds Level 3 Health and Social Care: Practice (Children and Young People)

  • Option 2

    • City and Guilds Level 4 Professional Practice in Health and Social Care

  • Option 3

    Workers who don't have one of the listed qualifications can apply to register as a worker by using one of the other routes to register.

    Any qualifications that are listed within more senior roles in the same service area will also be accepted for registration in this role.

  • Other accepted qualifications

    Other accepted qualifications that will be accepted for this job, if you don’t hold the current Welsh qualifications:

    For registration as a manager:

    • Level 5 Diploma in Leadership for Health and Social Care Services (Children and Young People’s Management) Wales and Northern Ireland

    • NVQ 4 Leadership and Management for Care Services

    • NVQ 4 Management (Assessed in a Social Care Setting)

    • NVQ 4 Health and Social Care (Children and Young People)

    • NVQ 4 Care

    • Diploma in Domiciliary Care Management

    Any of the level 3 qualifications listed for domiciliary care workers (services for children and young people).


    • University of South Wales Certificate Step up to Management (Social Care Wales)


    Enrolment on the City and Guilds Level 4 Preparing for Leadership and Management in Health and Social Care.

    Those enrolled on the City and Guilds Level 4 Preparing for Leadership and Management in Health and Social Care will need to complete this plus the Level 5 Leadership and Management of Health and Social Care: Practice qualification within their first three year period of registration.

    Or for those who registered before May 2013:

    • Social Work qualification approved by Social Care Wales

    For registration as a worker:

    • City and Guilds Level 3 Health and Social Care: Practice (Children and Young People)

    With a post-registration recommendation that the worker completes all aspects of the All Wales induction framework for health and social care that are relevant to their role.

    • Social Work qualification approved by Social Care Wales

    • First Level Registered Nurse

    • Occupational Therapy Degree

    • Level 5 Diploma in Leadership for Health and Social Care Services (Children and Young People's Advanced Practice) Wales and Northern Ireland

    • NVQ 4 Management (Assessed in a Social Care Setting)

    • NVQ 4 Health and Social Care (Children and Young People)

    • NVQ 4 Care

    • NVQ 3 Health and Social Care (Children and Young People)

    • NVQ 3 Caring for Children and Young People

    • Level 3 Diploma in Health and Social Care (Children and Young People) Wales and Northern Ireland

    Workers who do not have one of the listed qualifications can apply to register as a worker if they have their application approved by their employer via Employer Assessment.

    Any qualifications that are listed within more senior roles in the same service area will also be accepted for registration in this role.

Other requirements

If domiciliary care deputy managers are working with both adults and children, it is the employers’ responsibility to make sure the manager has undertaken the appropriate qualification units for adults and children, and that they have the knowledge, understanding and skills needed for their role.

Service regulations require that “the service provider must ensure that at all times a sufficient number of suitably qualified, trained, skilled, competent and experienced staff are deployed to work at the service”.

The suitable qualifications are included on this framework.

Qualifications gained outside of Wales

The following information applies to you if:

  • you are working, or would like to work, as a social care manager in Wales and  
  • have a relevant qualification (from the UK or overseas) that isn’t listed on the qualification framework or the precedence list.  

Qualifications gained in Scotland, Northern Ireland, and England

Qualifications achieved prior to December 2026

If you are a manager moving to Wales and hold a qualification (achieved prior to Dec 2026. The date of achievement can be found on your certificate) which is recognised by Skills for Care (England), the Northern Ireland Social Care Council or Scottish Social Service Council you should complete aspects of the All Wales induction framework for social care managers that are relevant to your role and the service setting.

QEA Process from January 2027

If you are a manager moving to Wales and hold a qualification in England, Northern Ireland or Scotland, you will need to check the [precedence list] to see if your qualification is accepted or not in Wales.

If the qualification is not already on the precedence list, you will need to request to have your qualification assessed through the Qualification Equivalency Assessment (QEA) process. You can find out more about this process on the [Qualification Equivalency Assessment] webpage.

International qualifications

If you are a manager moving to Wales and hold an international qualification you will need to check the [precedence list] to see if your qualification is accepted or not in Wales.

If the qualification is not already on the precedence list, you will need to request to have your qualification assessed through the Qualification Equivalency Assessment (QEA) process. You can find out more about this process on the [Qualification Equivalency Assessment] webpage.

European Economic Area (EEA) - European Free Trade Association (EFTA) - Free Trade Association (FTA) Arrangements (Regulated workforce only)

The EEA-EFTA-FTA is a comprehensive free trade agreement between the UK and Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland (Party States) and one of the areas it covers is the recognition of professional qualifications.

Under the agreement, we are required to recognise the professional qualifications of applicants from ‘Party States’ where they are comparable to those required for the relevant social care profession in Wales. We are required to offer adaptation periods where necessary and there are further requirements around how we process applications.

The Recognition of Professional Qualifications and Implementation of International Recognition Agreements (Wales) (Amendment etc.) Regulations 2023 implement the EEA-EFTA-FTA agreement in Wales and require Welsh regulators to comply with the provisions for the recognition of professional qualifications.

If you have completed your professional qualification in one of the specified states above, contact us for further information:

Induction requirements

It is the responsibility of employers and the service provider to make sure everyone working at the service receives an induction that’s appropriate to their role – this includes managers. This is expected to be robust and accessible to prepare them for new and changing roles and responsibilities.

It is also expected that all new managers will receive The Social Care Manager – practice guidance for social care managers registered with Social Care Wales as part of their induction, along with the Code of Practice for Social Care Employers.

Continuing professional development CPD (previously known as PRTL)

All registered persons are required to complete a total of 45 hours’ CPD for each three-year period of registration.

More information on CPD.