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Domiciliary care senior worker / supervisor (services for adults)

Registration with Social Care Wales is required

Register here

Other requirements

Service regulations require that “the service provider must ensure that at all times a sufficient number of suitably qualified, trained, skilled, competent and experienced staff are deployed to work at the service”.

The suitable qualifications are included on this framework.

If domiciliary care senior workers are working with both adults and children, it is the employers’ responsibility to make sure the manager has undertaken the appropriate qualification units for adults and children, and that they have the knowledge, understanding and skills needed for their role.

Qualifications gained outside of Wales

Workers moving to Wales who hold a qualification recognised by Skills for Care (England), the Northern Ireland Social Care Council or Scottish Social Service Council should complete aspects of the All Wales induction framework for health and social care that are relevant to their role and the service setting.

Induction requirements

The All Wales Induction Framework for Health and Social Care (AWIF) is a new induction framework for social care workers and healthcare support workers. It covers care and support for adults, and children and young people. It provides a structure for a common induction in health and social care across Wales and outlines the knowledge and skills new workers need to gain in their first six months of employment.

All employers have a responsibility to make sure their new workers receive a suitable induction using this induction framework. Workers may be new to the role, organisation or sector.

Continuing professional development CPD (previously known as PRTL)

All registered persons are required to complete a total of 45 hours’ CPD for each three-year period of registration.

More information on CPD.