Working under the supervision of the occupational therapist, the occupational therapy assistant will help with direct service provision and supporting individuals to engage in activities or occupations to promote, regain or maintain health and well-being.
Registration is not required
Other requirements
Level 3 Diploma in Health and Social Care (Adults) England
Level 3 Diploma for the Children and Young People’s Workforce (Children and Young People’s Social Care Pathway)
Level 3 Diploma in Health and Social Care (Adults) Wales and Northern Ireland
Level 3 SVQ Health and Social Care (Adults)
Level 3 SVQ Health and Social Care (Children and Young People)
Qualifications gained outside of Wales
Level 3 Diploma in Health and Social Care (Adults) England
It is recommended that workers attain this additional unit (if they have not already taken it as part of their Diploma):
- SS MU 3.1 Understand sensory loss.
Level 3 Diploma for the Children and Young People’s Workforce (Children and Young People’s Social Care Pathway)
No additional learning required.
Northern Ireland:
Level 3 Diploma in Health and Social Care (Adults) Wales and Northern Ireland
This is the same qualification, although it is recommended that workers attain this additional unit (if they have not already taken it as part of their Diploma):
- SS MU 3.1 Understand sensory loss.
Level 3 SVQ Health and Social Care (Adults)
Level 3 SVQ Health and Social Care (Children and Young People)
No additional learning required.
Induction requirements
The All Wales Induction Framework for Health and Social Care (AWIF) is a new induction framework designed for social care workers and healthcare support workers. It covers care and support for adults, and children and young people. It provides a structure for a common induction in health and social care across Wales and outlines the knowledge and skills new workers need to gain in the first six months of employment.
All employers have a responsibility to make sure their new workers receive a suitable induction using this induction framework. Workers may be new to the role, organisation or sector.