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Social care worker flow chart

This flow chart supports the process for new workers into social care, who need to register with us, but don’t hold one of the qualifications for their role listed on the qualifications framework (adult care home workers, domiciliary care workers, residential child care workers, residential family centre workers).

Diagram of the flow chart

* Social care workers who use the employer assessment route to register will need to complete one of the current qualifications listed on the qualification framework. We expect most social care workers to achieve this qualification within their first three year registration period, but all social care workers have six years to complete it.

The step-by-step guide to the process

1. New social care worker joins an organisation and completes the all Wales induction framework for health and social care.

A social care worker joins the sector and begins to complete the all Wales induction framework for health and social care (AWIF). It’s recommended that they complete the AWIF within six months of the start date.


  • Employers often link the AWIF to their own organisational induction and probation. This way, any evidence produced can be used more than once and can be transferred between organisations that deliver the AWIF so the training doesn’t need to be repeated.
  • There’s guidance and resources available on our website about what the AWIF is, its purpose and who it’s for. There’s also support to complete the AWIF available within local authorities and regions.
  • Some employers use external training providers like further education providers or local training companies to help people gain the supporting knowledge and understanding needed to complete the AWIF. But some parts of the AWIF, such as the practice elements or the organisation’s policies and procedures, still need to be completed in the workplace.
2. Complete employer assessment and register with us

The manager completes the employer assessment and the worker registers with us within six months.


  • Evidence generated when completing the AWIF, can also be used towards supporting someone’s application to register through employer assessment.
3. Enrol to complete the Level 2 health and social care: core qualification

After completing their AWIF, the worker, the manager and the qualified assessor will agree that the worker is ready to undertake the assessment of the Level 2 health and social care: core qualification.


  • The content of the AWIF mirrors that of the Core qualification. The knowledge and understanding that the worker has developed whilst completing the AWIF can be used to support their assessment within the Core qualification.
4. Successfully complete the Level 2 health and social care: core qualification

The worker successfully completes the internal and external assessments and is awarded the Level 2 health and social care: core qualification.


5. Enrol on a relevant Level 2 or Level 3 health and social care: practice qualification

The worker starts the relevant Level 2 or Level 3 health and social care: practice qualification.


  • The employer, assessor and worker will work together to select the most appropriate optional units to be completed.
6. Renew registration

The Core and the Practice qualifications are needed when the worker renews their registration (within three years).

First published: 8 November 2022
Last updated: 10 October 2024
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