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All Wales induction framework digital learning modules

These digital learning modules can help workers to develop the evidence needed to support the employer assessment route to registration.

The learning modules are based on sections of the All Wales induction framework for health and social care (AWIF). Completion of the learning modules can also be used to support the evidence needed to complete the AWIF.

Follow the links below to our digital learning modules

The Code of Professional Practice for social care adults and children and young people

This will help you explore the Code of Professional Practice and your roles and responsibilities

The importance of Welsh language and culture (adults)

This will help you explore the importance of the Welsh language and culture

The importance of Welsh language and culture (children and young people)

This will help you explore the importance of the Welsh language and culture for children and young people

Legislation that supports a rights based approach (adults)

This will help you explore the legislation that supports a rights based approach when working with adults

Legislation that supports a rights based approach (children and young people)

This will help you explore the legislation that supports a rights based approach when working with children and young people

The principles of the social services and well-being act (adults and children/young people)

This will help you explore the five principles of the Social Services and Well-Being (Wales) Act

Rights-based approaches and person-centred practice (adults)

This can be used to help your employer make sure they are satisfied they can endorse your application to register with Social Care Wales as a social care worker

Rights based approaches and person-centred practice (children and young people)

This can be used to help your employer make sure they are satisfied they can endorse your application to register with Social Care Wales as a social care worker

How to use a range of communication methods and adapt communication approaches

This can be used to help your employer make sure they are satisfied they can endorse your application to register with Social Care Wales as a social care worker

All learning modules

See the full range of digital learning modules for the social care and early years and childcare sectors