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New support for employers to develop Welsh language skills in their organisations

New support for employers to develop Welsh language skills in their organisations

| Social Care Wales

We’re launching a new scheme to help social care employers in Wales develop Welsh language skills within their organisations.

We’ll be working in partnership with the Welsh Language Commissioner to offer help with workforce planning, to meet the Welsh language needs of people receiving care and support.

We’re looking for around 20 employers to join our pilot scheme. We’ll assess the current situation within your organisation and use our Welsh language toolkit to offer support and create an action plan to meet your goals. The plan may focus on areas such as how to recruit more Welsh speaking staff or how to help current staff build their confidence in using Welsh.

Sandie Grieve, our Sector Engagement and Development Lead Officer said: “We want to help social care employers in Wales meet the needs of people who want to access care and support through the Welsh language.

"By working closely with you and creating specific plans for your organisation, we can help address some of the challenges you’re facing around recruitment and training.”

To sign-up for the programme or to find out more, email by Friday, 20 October.