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Safeguarding week: new Group B training resource available

Safeguarding week: new Group B training resource available

| Social Care Wales

We’ve published a new training pack for people in Group B of the National safeguarding training, learning and development standards.

The pack, which you can find on our safeguarding training page, includes a PowerPoint and handouts to help trainers make sure their learners are meeting the standards for Group B.

It's designed to make sure Group B safeguarding training is consistent with Group B's safeguarding responsibilities. Trainers can add or adapt the content to suit their learners.

The content has evolved to reflect both the changing nature of safeguarding but also to give clear direction of the work under the Wales Safeguarding Procedures.

Esyllt Crozier, Improvement and Development Manager for Social Care Wales, said:

“The Group B pack will help trainers to make sure their training is high-quality and consistent with the National safeguarding training, learning and development standards.

“We'd like to thank West Glamorgan Safeguarding Board and Gwent Safeguarding Board for allowing us to use their resources to help us shape this pack.”