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Data portal updates make social care data easier to access and understand

Data portal updates make social care data easier to access and understand

| Social Care Wales

We’ve updated our National Social Care Data Portal for Wales with a new look and more features to support you in your work.

The data portal is a one-stop shop for social care data in Wales.

It includes data about social care itself and some of the things that might impact on demand and need, like health, deprivation and the population.

We get the data from a variety of sources. A lot of the data on social care comes from collections carried out by Welsh Government, such as the Children Receiving Care and Support Census. Other data comes from the Office for National Statistics, Public Health Wales, and local authorities. The portal also includes our own registration data.

What’s new?

  • New datasets give you more flexibility to choose which information you want to see in different types of tables, graphs and charts.
  • There are more types of graphs to explore, and you can now see several measures on the same graph.
  • The data portal’s colour scheme has also been updated to reflect that of the Insight Collective – our new research, data, innovation and improvement service.

Making sense of the data

We’re also adding data summaries to the portal, to help you make sense of the data that’s being collected in social care.

The summaries will highlight trends in datasets, give them more context, or make links between the data and research.

We’ve already published four summaries and will be adding more over time.

The data summaries which are already on the portal are:

Find out more

Claire Miller, our Data Portal Lead, has written a blog which describes the changes that have been made to the portal in more detail.

The blog highlights the value of the new datasets and provides a breakdown of the different types of graph you’ll now have access to on the portal.

Visit our Insight Collective website to read Claire’s blog.

Get in touch

If you have any feedback or questions, or you’d like to suggest a topic for a data summary, please e-mail