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Draft practice guidance for domiciliary care workers

Draft practice guidance for domiciliary care workers

- | Social Care Wales

About this consultation

We want your views on new guidance developed for domiciliary care workers that aims to support and guide their work.

The draft guidance describes the standards expected of domiciliary care workers alongside the Code of Professional Practice for Social Care (the Code). As a worker, if you work well and to the standards of the Code, the guidance aims to give you confidence in your competence and practice.

It offers tailored, practical guidance for working in people’s homes. We recognise this can bring about unique challenges, often working alone and unsupervised, sometimes dealing with unexpected situations. We want it to be available to refer to at all times.

Who should take part?

We want to make sure the workforce feels the guidance is appropriate and encourage people who work in domiciliary care and their managers to feedback on its content.

A number of workers and managers have already influenced the guidance by taking part in engagement workshops.

This public consultation makes it possible for everyone to have their say, including people who receive care and support, their families and carers.

What do we want to find out?

  • Is the guidance appropriate for domiciliary care workers?
  • Is the format, language and style suitable?
  • How can we make the guidance available to all domiciliary care workers? For example, should it be produced as a mobile app as well as a digital booklet? Can employers help make sure their staff have access?

How do I take part?

Take part by clicking the links below to download the draft guidance and complete a short on-line survey.

The closing date for comments is 19 January 2018.

Context and next steps

The guidance is part of a wider initiative to raise the status of the profession. We recently consulted on proposals to open the social care register to domiciliary care workers from 2018, with registration becoming mandatory for them from 2020. These proposals are designed to help transform standards of care and raise the status of the social care workforce in Wales.

We confirmed in January 2018 that home care workers will need to register with us. More detailed results on the proposals on fees and required qualifications will be published soon.

This document has been drafted in the form of regulatory guidance, so that registered domiciliary care workers will have clear, consistent standards to work to alongside the Code. This is in-line with the guidance provided for other groups already registered with us.

All feedback will be considered before we publish the final version in April 2018.