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Consultation on proposed changes to the rules for social work degrees

Consultation on proposed changes to the rules for social work degrees

- | Social Care Wales

What are we consulting on?

We want your views and ideas about our proposed changes to the rules for social work degrees in Wales.

We want to make changes to:

  • The Framework for the Social Work Degree: Supplementary guidance to the Rules (2021)
  • The Framework for the Degree in Social Work in Wales 2021

The proposed changes are

  • Removing the requirement for there to be a minimum number of social care hours
  • Removing the level 2 numeracy qualification requirement for entry to social work
  • Removing the requirement for ‘face-to-face' interviews in the admissions process
  • Being more clear about how to manage student transfer requests between regulated programmes of study
  • Using gender-neutral pronouns in future education quality assurance rules, frameworks and guidance.

Why are we suggesting these changes?

  • To promote greater opportunity for entry to social work programmes
  • To increase the number of eligible applicants to qualifying programmes
  • To provide more flexibility around the way interviews in the admissions process are carried out
  • To make sure student transfer requests are managed consistently between regulated programmes of study
  • To make sure we’re not inadvertently excluding anyone with the pronouns we use.

How to respond

If you’d like to have your say on our proposed changes to the rules for social work degrees, you can do so by:

  • completing the online survey
  • completing this document and emailing it to