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Appendix A

Social Care Wales delivery plan for 2023 to 2024, aligned to the ambition of the workforce strategy.

An engaged, motivated and healthy workforce

Our ambition by 2030

The health and social care workforce will feel valued and supported wherever they work.

Workforce strategy actions 2023 to 2026

1. Support employers to embed workforce well-being in their organisations by implementing and refreshing the Health and well-being framework.

2. Work towards parity, fair reward and recognition through the Social Care Fair Work Forum and WLGA led consideration of social work terms and conditions

3. Support workforce well-being by promoting and developing well-being resources and services, including Canopi and the Care Worker Card.

4. Maintain and develop peer support networks, communities and a national conference to share different ways of improving workforce well-being.

5. Carry out and research and engagement work, including an independent survey of registered workers, and use what we learn to improve our understanding of how to support workforce well-being.

Attraction and recruitment

Our ambition by 2030

Health and social care will be well established as a strong and recognisable brand and the sector of choice for our future workforce.

Workforce strategy actions 2023 to 2026

6. Provide engagement structures for the sector, to support a co-ordinated approach to attract workers into social care.

7. Develop and implement plans to continually promote social care as a career of choice.

8. Develop ways of widening access to careers in social care including pathways for volunteers.

9. Improve sector recruitment practices.

Seamless workforce models

Our ambition by 2030

Multi-professional and multi-agency workforce models will be the norm

10. Implement initiatives to support working across health and social care boundaries.

11. Develop ways of supporting multi-professional working.

12. Identify and respond to how new policy drivers and service models affect the workforce.

Building a digitally ready workforce

Our ambition by 2030

The digital and technological capabilities of the workforce will be well developed and in widespread use to optimise the way we work, to help us deliver the best possible care for people.

Workforce strategy actions 2023 to 2026

13. Implement ways of enhancing the digital literacy and confidence of the wider health and social care workforce in Wales.

14. Create opportunities to widen access to digital learning and development.

15. Find out what digital skills are needed to implement new digital service models.

Excellent education and learning

Our ambition by 2030

The investment in education and learning for health and social care professionals will deliver the skills and capabilities needed to meet the needs of people in Wales.

Workforce strategy actions 2023 to 2026

16. Work with education providers to make sure education meets the needs of the health and social care system, and includes programmes offered in Welsh.

17. Continue to invest in increasing the numbers of health and social care professionals who are trained in Wales, with a focus on value.

18. Make it easier for people to start careers in health and social care by removing barriers and developing the work-based learning model.

19. Develop ways of improving the workforce’s skills and knowledge.

Leadership and Succession

Our ambition by 2030

Leaders in the health and social care system will demonstrate collective and compassionate leadership.

Workforce strategy actions 2023 to 2026

20. Create accessible leadership development resources and programmes for individuals and organisations, based on the compassionate leadership principles.

21. Develop a talent management pipeline for leadership roles.

22. Find ways to support services to develop and embed of positive cultures

Workforce Shape and Supply

Our ambition by 2030

We will have a sustainable workforce in sufficient numbers to meet the health and social care needs of our population.

Workforce strategy actions 2023 to 2026

23. Build capacity and capability in workforce planning and development across health and social care, supported by a standardised approach.

24. Develop workforce responses for professional and key parts of the sector.

25. Find out what a National Care Service would mean for the workforce.