The advocacy services manager will be responsible for the operational direction and the effective running of the independent advocacy provision to meet the statement of purpose.
Registration with Social Care Wales is now open
Register hereOther requirements
Service regulations require that “the service provider must ensure that at all times a sufficient number of suitably qualified, trained, skilled, competent and experienced staff are deployed to work at the service”.
The suitable qualifications are included on this framework.
The National Standards and Outcomes Framework for children and Young People in Wales stipulates that providers ensure ‘Advocates are facilitated to attain qualifications as recommended/required in Social Care Wales’ Qualification Framework’.
And that ‘Services are registered and managers are appropriately qualified and registered in accordance with RISCA 2016 as stated in Social Care Wales Qualification Framework’.
Qualifications gained outside of Wales
England and Northern Ireland:
Predecessor qualifications are listed in the section on ‘other qualifications'. There are no current qualifications identified for advocacy managers in any of the other UK nations.
Induction requirements
The All Wales induction framework for social care managers covers the breadth of responsibilities for the leadership and management of social care services and provides a structure for a common induction across Wales.
All employers have a responsibility to make sure their new managers receive a suitable induction using this induction framework. Managers may be new to the role, organisation or sector.
It is also expected that all new managers will receive The Social Care Manager – practice guidance for social care managers registered with Social Care Wales as part of their induction, along with the Code of Practice for Social Care Employers.