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Share your stories about the Act

Share your stories about the Act

| Charmine Smikle

We’d love to hear about what your group or organisation has been doing differently since the Act came in and what the impact has been on people’s day to day lives.

We’ve seen some excellent and inspiring stories about how organisations have worked with people to help them achieve what really matters to them. And we’re looking to find out how the Act has been implemented across Wales and, more importantly, how it has improved people’s lives.

We’d love to speak to you about any stories you may have gathered over the past year. These could be digital or written stories you’ve already produced, or they could even be stories you’d like some help to develop. We can work with you to help to present stories about how your work has improved the lives of people, in a way that will help others learn and be inspired to work in a similar way.

We would like to share and promote the stories to help others learn from these experiences because real-life examples can send a powerful message and help others visualise the impact of the way we work with people.

The intention is to work with you to identify stories that can be published on the Social Care Legislation in Wales Information and Learning Hub.

If you’re interested in taking part in this project and would like to discuss things further, please email us at and we’ll get in touch with you for a chat.

We look forward to hearing your stories.