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Conference guide: Cardiff

Details about speakers, workshops and panel members for the celebrating social work conference on 26 October.


Julie Morgan MS

Delyth Lloyd Griffiths BA (Hons), CQSW, DSW, MBA

Rhoda Emlyn-Jones OBE MA social ethics, CQSW, Dip SW

Sarah McCarty

Michael Gray

Aaron Edwards

Samantha Baron

Amy Davies

Panel members

Abyd Quinn Aziz (Chair)

Rhoda Emlyn-Jones OBE MA social ethics, CQSW, Dip SW

Michael Gray

Jonathan Griffiths

Jon Day

Mark Roderick

Sarah Jane Waters


Developing trauma-informed approaches for supporting staff well-being

IFSS 13 years on Reflect and Refresh: the journey of strengths within

The importance of peer advocacy and the social work parent relationship

Social work and self-advocacy for adults with learning disabilities

Social Care Compendium of Good Practice: learning from innovation and new ways of working during the Covid-19 pandemic

The first National Practice Framework for Children’s Services in Wales

The Carmarthenshire Well-being Service: an inclusive approach

The voice of children and young people in private and public family law proceedings in Wales

The importance of peer advocacy and the social work and parent relationship

Planning ahead: the value of discussing death and dying in social work

Compassionate leadership and why it matters