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Building care and support together: call for speakers at our expert classes

Building care and support together: call for speakers at our expert classes

| Charmine Smikle

Have you worked with the people you support or your local community to develop solutions to their care and support needs?

We’re holding a series of expert classes across Wales later this year to help people improve understanding and ways of working together to develop care and support services in a co-productive way.

If you are a statutory, independent or third sector organisation who has worked with the people you support to develop new ways of working, we’d love for you to speak at our classes. You could work in housing, health, social services or any social care related setting.

You may have redesigned a service together, supported social enterprises or co-operative to grow or completely changed your models of service in partnership with the individuals you care for.

We will be holding classes in various locations across Wales and are looking for people to deliver a workshop based on your experiences, developed with our help and support.

If you can help, please get in touch with us at no later than Friday, 8 September 2017.