1. You MUST inform the following individuals/organisations in writing that you have interim conditions imposed on your registration under the Social Care Wales Fitness to Practise procedures disclosing a written copy of those conditions to:
(a) any organisation or person employing, contracting with, or using you to undertake social work or social care work (on a paid or unpaid basis);
(b) any social care agency you are registered with or apply to be registered with (at the time of application);
(c) any prospective social care employer (at the time of application).
2. You MUST inform Social Care Wales within 5 working days of accepting any social work/social care appointment (whether paid or unpaid) which requires registration with Social Care Wales and provide Social Care Wales with contact details of the new employer, the job title of the role you have accepted, and the address of your new place of work.
3. Within 5 working days of accepting any social care/work appointment, you must also provide a signed (by your manager) written confirmation from your new employer that they are aware of the conditions imposed and that they are willing to support you to comply with the conditions.
4. You MUST inform Social Care Wales of any professional investigation started against you and / or any professional disciplinary proceedings taken against you within 5 days of you receiving notice of them.
5. When working as a social care worker, you must remain under the supervision of a workplace line manager, mentor or supervisor nominated by your employer.
6. You MUST not work alone with users of care and support and should be supervised at all times.
7. You MUST work with your line manager, mentor or supervisor to complete an Action Plan specifically designed to address the following deficiencies in your practice:
(a) Treating all individuals equally and with dignity and respect
(b) Ensuring you are familiar and compliant with all work place policies and procedures;
8. Supervisions should continually refer to the Action Plan and operate under the following conditions:
(a) You MUST send Social Care Wales a copy of your Action Plan within 5 working days of the date on which these conditions become effective;
(b) You MUST meet with your line manager, mentor or supervisor at least every week to discuss the standard of your performance and compliance with the Action Plan;
(c) Once each calendar month, you MUST send Social Care Wales written confirmation (signed by a manager) of the fact that weekly supervision meetings have been held and that no new concerns about your practice have arisen.
9. You MUST attend additional training which covers the following areas:
(a) Types of abuse and recognising signs of abuse
(b) Treating people with dignity and respect
(c) Equality and diversity.