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Outcomes training and developing the skills of our workforce

Find out about the strategic programme ‘collaborative communications skills’ which supports skills development and system chance across the sector.

Collaborative Communication Skills Programme

We have training available for organisations who want to invest in developing the skills and capabilities of their workforce to deliver outcomes focused strengths-based practice.

The training also considers the wider organisational implications and practicalities of embedding this way or working as a whole system approach is required.

The training includes the:

  • theories of human behaviour that inform effective responses
  • principles that underpin our professional responses
  • skills and strategies that practitioners can use to engage with people at times of challenge and stress
  • how organisational systems can support effective practice.

The training has four phases:

  • planning and engagement with senior management
  • core team training with follow-up sessions
  • mentor training with follow-up sessions (practice champions)
  • follow-up session with senior management and mentors.

Further detail about the programme can be found here:

Contact us if you would like to discuss the Collaborative Communication Skills Programme, and know more about how its delivered and how much this would cost.

How is the Collaborative Communication Skills Programme supporting the embedding of outcomes focused practice?

We commissioned an independent evaluation of the Collaborative Communication Skills programme and how this has supported the embedding of outcomes practice within local authorities across Wales.

The evaluation involved focus groups and interviews with practitioners, managers and senior leaders across five local authorities in both adults and children’s services. The evaluation also reviews care and support plans.

The evaluation found the following:


Effective and sustainable implementation of an outcomes focused way of working needs a ‘whole system’ approach which involves:

  • strong leadership support – strategic and operational and also throughout the organisation led by mentors and practice champions
  • linking the approach to a vision and a set of values which is coherent, convincing and unifying
  • aligning systems, processes and structures so that they support rather than get in the way of the approach
  • ensuring a critical mass of staff have received the training and are engaged
  • taking a sustained approach to developing and applying the skills in practice via supervision and team reflection
  • acknowledging the role of time – change takes time to bear fruit and workers need time to apply the skills confidently.


Significant distance has been travelled since the programme started and the impact on individuals, families and practitioners includes:

  • building better relationships with individuals and families by being more open and transparent in communications
  • developing personal outcomes with individuals by using effective communication skills
  • a consideration of the individual or family’s strengths and resources in each conversation to enable more balance and collaborative decision-making
  • moving from a service-led model to one where the focus is on what the individual/family wants and needs, and their own solutions are incorporated
  • jointly agreeing collaborative action plans with individuals and families
  • increased job satisfaction for practitioners who feel they are making a positive impact.

The evaluation report concluded with some recommendations for further embedding the approach:

  • commit to and invest in regular reflective practice, refresher and induction training
  • build on and link to existing models, resources and knowledge within the organisation
  • further develop strengths-based leadership and supervision skills
  • align systems and processes including paperwork and resource panels
  • train together or extend key messages from the training to partner agencies.

You can read the full report here:

Listen to two practitioners talk about how they and their staff have embedded personal outcomes and sustained the new approach since doing the Collaborative Communication Skills training:

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