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Family justice

Family justice is the system through which disputes relating to children and families may be resolved. It includes the work of the Family Court. Social workers have a responsibility to present information to the Family Court. Here you will find information and resources on family justice and family court work.

Evidence Matters in Family Justice

This guide helps social workers incorporate research into decision making and present it effectively in family court proceedings. The key resource was revised in 2018 for local authority and Cafcass Cymru social workers.

This resource has been prepared by Research in Practice and Social Care Wales with substantial involvement of professionals working with the family courts.

The resource includes a handbook addressing the evolving policy and legal landscape in the family justice system in Wales.

The handbook is accompanied by three practice briefings:

Child social care law in Wales

For more information on child social care law in Wales visit Cardiff University pages on children’s social care law and Cardiff University School of Law and Politics.

The site helps social workers, social care practitioners, foster carers and advisers find the current law relating to social care for children and young people in Wales.

It’s supported by Social Care Wales and the following organizations:

Contact us

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