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We want your stories!

We want your stories!

| SCW Online

We’re looking for the real-life stories behind the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014. We want to hear about what you’ve been doing differently since the Act and how this has changed people’s lives.

The Act changed how practitioners work in the following ways:

  • People – putting the individual at the centre of their care and support by giving them more voice and control
  • Well-being – helping people to improve their well-being by focussing on their strengths, networks, community and personal circumstances
  • Earlier intervention – focussing more on prevention and supporting people before their needs become critical
  • Working together – stronger partnership working between all parties responsible for care and support

What the principles of the Act mean for practitioners

We want your stories to feature on our website to inspire other professionals and help them learn from your best practice.

These could be stories you’ve already produced and shared, or they could be an untapped resource that you’d like some help from us to develop.

Please use the form below to help guide you through your story. Please return your completed form to by 9 March 2018.

We look forward to hearing your stories!

Stories about the Act form