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Launch of new resource for Responsible Individuals

Launch of new resource for Responsible Individuals

| SCW Online

Social Care Wales has developed an information and learning resource to help Responsible Individuals (RIs) carry out their new duties under the Regulation and Inspection of Social Care (Wales) Act 2016.

One of the main changes in the Act is that from April 2018 care and support providers must name a ‘Responsible Individual’ when they register their service. This could be an owner, partner, board member or local authority senior officer.

The RI has an important role in managing the service, its resources and the quality of care and support provided.

The RI’s enhanced role means a clear chain of accountability between the boardroom and front-line practice. RIs are also accountable for creating a culture where the impact of the service can be measured by the well-being of the person using it.

This information and learning resource will help RIs understand the new requirements. It will also be of interest to service providers and managers.

The resource was developed in partnership with Care Inspectorate Wales and with input from RIs.

Information and Learning Resource for Responsible Individuals