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Analysing the learning and development needs of social care researchers

Analysing the learning and development needs of social care researchers

| SCW Online

The Health and Care Research Wales Support Centre training team and social care manager have collaborated and recently invited people interested in social care research to complete an online training needs analysis.

The aim of the training needs analysis was to establish the learning and development needs of those involved in social care research across Wales. There was a wide-ranging response from those engaged in social care research, in practice, and in learning and development, as well as a number of other sectors.

Interest was expressed for training on a range of research methodologies, with mixed methods research being the topic most in demand. The responders also indicated a need for training on how to conduct research with people who may lack the capacity to consent. There was additional interest in approaches on how to involve people who are receiving services in research both as participants and co-researchers.

There was low demand for training to be delivered entirely online, with 30% of responders preferring a face-to-face training provision and 50% favouring a mixture of face to face and online training to be available to them.

Now that the analysis has been completed, The Health and Care Research Wales Support Centre has the information to help them plan how these learning and development needs can be met. A strategy for fulfilling these training needs is in development and news regarding these new opportunities will be coming soon.

Keep an eye on the The Health and Care Research Wales Support Centre website