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Our draft priorities for 2021 to 2026

Our draft priorities for 2021 to 2026

- | Social Care Wales
  • This consultation is now closed

Our five-year plan will set out how we intend to achieve our vision and bring about the positive outcomes and impact we all want to see. It will not set out the detail of what we will be doing – this will be included in our annual business plans.

This consultation sets out our draft priorities that will produce outcomes that make a difference to people’s lives. We will regularly review how we make the best use of our finances, staff and partnerships. We are developing a range of approaches to help us measure the impact of our work. We will work with key stakeholders to determine a range of measures and will include these in the final version of our strategic plan, when it is published in the winter.

We have set out our priorities and proposals for what we want to achieve, where we suggest we focus our energies and how we want to work with you over the next five years to realise our vision.

Now we are asking you to help us make sure it is setting us off in the right direction. Are we focusing on the right things? Are we being bold enough? What will be the results of our work?

The consultation is open for 10 weeks and will close at 5pm, 13 November 2020.

How to respond

If you’d like to have your say on our proposed priorities, you can do so by:

  • completing the online survey
  • completing the 'Our draft priorities for 2021 to 2026: Supporting social care and early years in Wales' consultation document and emailing it to us at, alternatively you can post the consultation document to Rhian Jones, Social Care Wales, South Gate House, Wood Street, Cardiff CF10 1EW.
  • requesting a discussion at one of your regular meetings.